The online place supporting people at the heart of Australian Agriculture share relevant resources to help each other thrive and grow.

  • Free resource database on practical topics including farm management, HR, risk, livestock management, WH&S, succession planning and more
  • Embracing the wisdom of elders & energy and enthusiasm of our youth
  • Families and Industry coming together for a common purpose: positive long-term change within Agriculture


About Rural

“You’re the average of the five people you spend most time with” (Jim Rohn)  

As a city chick, who had travelled the world before heading west for work, this quote struck a chord when I found myself married, with small children and living on a 66,000-acre cattle property in Western Queensland.

I have seen first hand the struggles farming families face and wanted to provide online resources that utilised technology to ensure that although isolated, no-one feels alone.

The purpose of the website and associated online platforms is to facilitate positive long-term change within Australian agriculture by providing practical tools and resources, meaningful conversation starters and a positive narrative for agriculture.

Brigid The City Chick who Headed West

I was the city chick who, after uni and travelling overseas, headed out west for work, fell in love with a farmer (Owen, a grazier), married him in 2000 and have lived on the land ever since. 

Free Resources

By sharing these practical solution-focussed resources that are highly valuable management tools in our business we hope to reduce overwhelm and provide opportunities for capacity building and growth.

Latest from the Blog

The challenges in recent years remind everyone of the importance of connection.
Although geographically isolated no-one should feel alone. The Farmer’s Voice is an online
magazine sharing meaningful conversation starters on topics that matter to
Australian farmers.

17 tips: Lessons from the land about isolation

17 tips: Lessons from the land about isolation

For many of my city friends, this forced isolation has been incredibly challenging. People who thrive on routines, no longer have that safety blanket. Extroverts who look forward to their daily interactions with others are missing their mates and introverts can’t wait...

EvokeAG 2020: A producer’s and parent’s perspective

EvokeAG 2020: A producer’s and parent’s perspective

As a mother of a 16 year old, whose identity is very much aligned with our family grazing business, I look for opportunities to broaden his knowledge about agriculture.  This year EvokeAG 2020 was chosen as the excursion away from the farm for my son, Rob, to step out...

The Farmers Voice!

A modern bush telegraphAs a modern day bush telegraph Farmer’s Voice is an online magazine sharing stories, opinions and information of interest and benefit to rural Australia.
Read the Magazine